
Iraq’s Law Makers Decide To Lower The Consent Age For Girls To 9

Are we moving forward or thousands of years back vis-a-vis women’s rights? Iraq’s Parliament is discussing a proposal to reduce the women’s consent age from 18 years to 9 years. This means that, if the law is passed, then women in Iraq could be legally married off at the age of nine years, with equally serious implications on their custody, inheritance, and related personal laws, alongside education and health.

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The Afghan War

Formed in 1994, the Taliban were made up of former Afghan resistance fighters, known collectively as mujahedeen, who fought the invading Soviet forces in the 1980s. They aimed to impose their interpretation of Islamic law on the country and remove any foreign influence.

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The War Against Afghan Women

Afghanistan, which was once a forward-thinking nation with so much potential, has now turned into a living nightmare. After the departure of the US forces from Afghanistan, the Taliban has taken control over most of Afghanistan in the last 1 week. Taliban’s rise to power in the nation means that the progress the nation had made in the last 20 years for democracy, girl’s education, women’s rights, and healthcare will be reversed.

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