
Peeling the Biases Towards the Food Choices

Food has a magical effect on people. When we are having a terrible day, a good day, or celebrating, it has the power to change moods and make things better. It’s an important part of our life, from festive meals to simple soothing meals on bad days. Yet, in our country, individual or community food choices are frequently morally policed. Food has the capability to both unite and divide people across culture and societies. And this duality of food­ is a reflection of our societal complexity.

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Police Torture of Dalits in Madhya Pradesh: Beyond a Law-and-order Failure!

Police torture has been an issue in India since time immemorial. Legislators have always framed laws from an angle of curbing police torture. Yet, the reality presents a stark contrast, thereby, reaffirming that we are a nation paying no regard to the most vulnerable sections of our society!

The issue of police torture sparked discussions throughout our country when an old video, from October 2023, of a Dalit woman and her grandson being beaten by the railway police in Katni, Madhya Pradesh went viral on social media. Post this video going viral, the current scenario is that an investigation has been launched by the deputy superintendent of police, after the concerned police-in-charge had been removed.

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Deepa Mohanan Controversy: The Open Secret of Caste-Based Discrimination in Indian educational System

The gravity of this matter very recently came to light when the news of the PhD student Deepa Mohanan, made headlines. She is a Dalit student from Kottayam’s Mahatma Gandhi University, who resorted to a 11-day hunger strike to get heard against the discrimination that she faced, both at an individual and institutional level, for over a decade. Her fight did yield results and the Director of the Institute who discriminated against her, was removed.

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Gender Gap In Judiciary

While we look at the statistics of the dismal number of female judges in India at subordinate judiciary level, High Courts and Supreme Court, we rarely investigate into how the subjective worldview of our own judges with a limited role for women in it, has a deep impact on promoting, and encouraging more women to join judiciary.

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Ambedkar’s Quest For Gender Equality

In 2004, Columbia University released a list of the world’s best top 100 scholars, and the list was topped by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. He made enormous efforts to make sure that society follows a path of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. The same can be witnessed from his various writings and speeches.

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घर से भागने को मजबूर होती लड़कियां

(राजेश ओ.पी. सिंह) आलोक धन्वा की पंक्तियां ” घर की ज़ंजीरें कितनी ज्यादा दिखाई पड़ती है, जब घर से कोई लड़की भागती है ” समाज में फ़ैल रही कुरीति पर…

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