high court

A Sign of Obsoleteness: Marital Rape exception in the Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita

The marital rape exception (referred to as the ‘MRE’ by the Delhi HC) has been a contentious issue in the legal world. The introduction of new criminal laws, that have come into effect on 1st July, have fuelled the debate further. The Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita (hereinafter referred to as the ‘BNS’), as the ruling government claims, intends to wipe out archaic traces of the colonial era embedded in the IPC. However, marital rape being retained in the new law, as an exception to the rape offence, has attracted criticisms that question the very purpose of the criminal law overhaul in the country. This article aims to evaluate judicial views on this matter while making a strong case for deleting the MRE to uphold individual liberty.

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मुस्लिम महिलाएं और हिजाब

‘हिजाब मुद्दे’ से संबंधित खबरें और उसके साथ जुड़ी राय , वाद-विवाद, समर्थन-आलोचना आदि हम सब के सामने है। किसी भी महत्वपूर्ण मुद्दे का विश्लेषण करते समय तथ्यों और विचारों के बीच अंतर करना हमेशा महत्वपूर्ण होता है। इसी प्रकार हिजाब के मुद्दे पर विचार-विमर्श करते समय, यह आवश्यक है कि हम पाक कुरान शरीफ के सभी पहलुओं को पढ़ें और समझें, मुस्लिम उलेमा और विद्वानों की व्याख्या विवेचना को भी देखें और साथ ही साथ भारतीय संविधान को भी ध्यान में रखें और केवल स्कूल विषय को ही ना देखते हुए, एक व्यापक कैनवास में अधिकारों व चयन के पहलुओं को रखें।

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Glad tidings: Celebrating The Growing Scope of Posh Act, 2013

Indian society has been patriarchal from its very inception giving rise to gender inequality as its root product. Among all other forms of gender inequalities, the instance of sexual harassment is the ugliest as they don’t just show the social backwardness and frivolous thinking but also affect sufferers’ physical and mental health; destroy their confidence hampering their psyche and reputation along with leaving a forever horrible mark.

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Gender Gap In Judiciary

While we look at the statistics of the dismal number of female judges in India at subordinate judiciary level, High Courts and Supreme Court, we rarely investigate into how the subjective worldview of our own judges with a limited role for women in it, has a deep impact on promoting, and encouraging more women to join judiciary.

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Abortion Law in India: Not Quite There Yet

The Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Bill, 2020 was approved by the upper house of the parliament and received presidential assent in March, 2021. Some of the amendments brought in by the new Act were hailed by many for further liberalizing access to abortion in India. On the other hand, some leaders of the opposition had voiced concerns, demanding a detailed scrutiny of the Bill by a parliamentary standing committee. The Bill, however, was passed without any further deliberation or amendments.

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Right to Information – An Overview

Right to Information is perhaps one of the most effective tools to deepen democracy and actively seek accountability by enabling transparency. It gives the citizen the right to seek information held by public authorities which may be of public interest. This information can, among other things, be used as a basis for public interest litigation, and general means for justice.

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