Women Rights To Contraception In India And Preventing Unwanted Pregnancy In India

It would not be wrong to argue that in India, the concept of human rights was first introduced and systematically institutionalised in 1950 when our country’s Constitution came into force. Many governmental programmes and methods have been created to supplement the rising acknowledgement of an individual’s rights, and the human rights movement has witnessed significant progress and success.

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The Menace that is Homosexuality: An Epistle To The Struggle

The red and the black earth of Bharat carries with it a myriad of stories. From birth of civilization to fall of empires; the crowning of monarchs to the johar of valiant. In this narration of history, we often tend to neglect the queer tints, away from the maddening crowd of heteronormativity. It was August 11th of 1992 in ITO area of Delhi, when the first voice against exclusion and persecution was raised.

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