
Legalise Sex Work; Give Us Ticket To Contest Elections : Demand of Women from the Bachhada Community in MP

Most women are forced into Prostitution due to Poverty: Women of the Bachhada community seemingly have a choice – either get married or take on sex-work as a profession. Those who choose the former, live a married household life and are not allowed to entertain any clients for sex work. But those whose family conditions leave them with no choice, opt for sex-work and then have practically zero chances of getting married later. In exceptional cases, where a sex worker does find a love interest and if the partner is willing to marry, then there is some hope for their marriage, but that too is usually inter-caste, as men from the same community do not take women who have opted for sex work as their legally wedded wives.

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हरियाणा में अंतरराष्ट्रीय महिला खिलाड़ी की अनदेखी

राजेश ओ.पी. सिंह भारत के उत्तर में स्थित प्रदेश हरियाणा जो अपने देसी खानपान और खेलकूद के लिए विश्वभर में प्रसिद्ध है, 2004-2005 से लगातार प्रदेश के खिलाड़ियों ने प्रत्येक…

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