
“To Be Or Not To Be A Mother- I Had To Decide”

I had conceived, as a single unmarried girl in an act of love. I was with a person I had fallen in love with and it happened. In the moment, he decided he wanted to be a father, though we hadn’t discussed it before. Let me confine to my side of the story without getting into the details that will necessarily include elaborating on his view.

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When Will the Feminist Movement Become Intersectional?

White feminism focuses on achieving white female equality at the expense of women of color. Although many may consider it an issue of the past, white feminism is extremely visible today through its modern incarnation of the “girlboss”, which focuses on female empowerment through capitalist means and disregards the needs of lower-income women of color. In order to understand how the feminist movement can become more inclusive, we need to look back at both the history of the feminist movement and Black women’s historical crusades.

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Medical Termination Of Pregnancy (Amendment) Act, 2021: Progressive But Restrictive

The Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Act, 2021 has become operative from the 24th of September 2021. The amendment alters the parent legislation i.e., Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 (MTP Act 1971) which provides a legal framework regarding abortions in India. The amendment increases the gestation limit for abortions by amending Section 3 of the act.

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Women Rights To Contraception In India And Preventing Unwanted Pregnancy In India

It would not be wrong to argue that in India, the concept of human rights was first introduced and systematically institutionalised in 1950 when our country’s Constitution came into force. Many governmental programmes and methods have been created to supplement the rising acknowledgement of an individual’s rights, and the human rights movement has witnessed significant progress and success.

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Abortion Law in India: Not Quite There Yet

The Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Bill, 2020 was approved by the upper house of the parliament and received presidential assent in March, 2021. Some of the amendments brought in by the new Act were hailed by many for further liberalizing access to abortion in India. On the other hand, some leaders of the opposition had voiced concerns, demanding a detailed scrutiny of the Bill by a parliamentary standing committee. The Bill, however, was passed without any further deliberation or amendments.

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Post Roe Era, The ‘heartbeat’ Bill And Unleashing The Hounds Of The American Right

In the wake of the chaos unleashed by the infamous Senate 8 Bill it is important to take a look at ground zero, the fabled Roe v Wade. The broad idea held by the people is the US and the world at large is that Roe was instrumental in ‘legalising abortion’ in Texas, however the truth might be far from it. What it essentially did was determine the way states can regulate abortion.

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Status of Frozen Embryos in In-Vitro Fertilization

“Assisted Reproductive Technology” or ART with its grammatical variations and cognate expressions, means all techniques that attempt to obtain a pregnancy by handling the sperm or the oocyte outside the human body and transferring the gamete or the embryo into the reproductive system of a woman. The modern world has progressed deeper and deeper into the ART.

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No Entry for Men – Umoja Uaso: Kenya’s Women-Only Village

Gender inequality is the blemish of the 21st century, a remnant of the past that the tide of time should have long washed away. It’s easier for girls in urban places to fight for equal rights but for a tribal women like Rebecca Lolosoli to raise her voice in a patriarchal society and highlight that misogyny is not normal, is indeed a rare achievement and ofcourse commendable.

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