sex workers

Brothel Soil For Dussehra Idol: An Ironic Symbol Of ‘RESPECT’

Festivals and traditions bring people together, be it for sharing joy or age-old miseries! The yearly routine of sculpting Durga goddess’s idol for Dussehra, has taken a revolutionary turn this year as sex workers in Sonagachi refuse to give brothel soil for sculpting the Durga goddess, as a form of protest demanding safety and justice for women in the society. The Hindu tradition involves fulfillment of certain sacred requirements when it comes to collecting soil for sculpting the Durga idol. One of the requirements, that has turned extremely controversial, is the use of brothel soil for sculpting.

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Stand of The Supreme Court on Rights of Sex Workers: The Story so far.

The Indian sex workers case is making the top headline these days. The recent order dated 19-05-2022 given in the case of Budhadev Karmaskar v. State of West Bengal And Ors., popular as the sex workers case the Hon’ble Apex Court has categorically recognized that the basic protection of human decency and dignity under Article 21 of the Constitution of India extends to sex workers and their children, who, bearing the brunt of social stigma attached to their work, are removed to the fringes of the society, deprived of their right to live with dignity and opportunities to provide the same to their children.

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Legalise Sex Work; Give Us Ticket To Contest Elections : Demand of Women from the Bachhada Community in MP

Most women are forced into Prostitution due to Poverty: Women of the Bachhada community seemingly have a choice – either get married or take on sex-work as a profession. Those who choose the former, live a married household life and are not allowed to entertain any clients for sex work. But those whose family conditions leave them with no choice, opt for sex-work and then have practically zero chances of getting married later. In exceptional cases, where a sex worker does find a love interest and if the partner is willing to marry, then there is some hope for their marriage, but that too is usually inter-caste, as men from the same community do not take women who have opted for sex work as their legally wedded wives.

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Medical Termination Of Pregnancy (Amendment) Act, 2021: Progressive But Restrictive

The Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Act, 2021 has become operative from the 24th of September 2021. The amendment alters the parent legislation i.e., Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 (MTP Act 1971) which provides a legal framework regarding abortions in India. The amendment increases the gestation limit for abortions by amending Section 3 of the act.

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A Tale of Jogini’s Exploitation

In the 3rd century AD, Kalidasa, one of the greatest writers of ancient India, made a reference to ‘dancing girls’ that were present in the prominent Mahakaal temple in Ujjain, in his work, Meghduta.

“Begemmed their hands, and their jingling navels please, though wearying the chowries and the dances. But shoot your raindrops through the nail marks, soothing, the courtesans will cast you sidelong glances, Their rows in unison as honey bees.”

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