

By Rajesh Singh

कोरोना महामारी के चलते जब सारे शैक्षणिक संस्थान बन्द है तब शिक्षा का जो स्वरूप बदला है, वह ना तो हमारे देश के छात्रों और ना ही छात्राओं के लिए अच्छा है, क्योंकि इसमें ना तो परस्पर क्रिया है और ना ही सहभागिता। यूनेस्को (संयुक्त राष्ट्र शैक्षणिक, वैज्ञानिक एवं सांस्कृतिक संगठन) के अनुसार भारत में लॉकडाउन के कारण लगभग 32 करोड़ छात्र छात्राओं की पढ़ाई रुकी है, जिसमे लगभग 15.81 करोड़ केवल लड़कियां हैं।

कोरोना महामारी से शिक्षण संस्थान मुख्य रूप से स्कूलों के बंद होने से लड़कियों (खासकर ग्रामीण क्षेत्र में रहने वाली) को सबसे ज्यादा नुकसान हुआ है। अब जब स्कूल जाना नहीं तब उन पर घर के कार्यों का बोझ बढ़ा है I हालांकि पहले भी घर के कार्यों में वो अपना योगदान देती थी, परंतु पहले ये होता था कि सुबह स्कूल जाना है, वहां 6 घंटे रहना है, स्कूल से आकर स्कूल का कार्य करना है, इसमें उनका काफी वक्त लग जाता था जिसके चलते उन्हें घर के सारे कार्य नहीं करने पड़ते थे I परंतु अब सुबह से लेकर शाम तक घर का सारा कार्य उन्हें करना पड़ता है I घर में बड़े बुजुर्ग भी ये कहते हैं कि जब स्कूल नहीं जाना तो कम से कम घर के कार्य करने ही सीख जाओ। इसके साथ ही प्राथमिक स्कूल की बच्चियां जिन्होंने अभी स्कूल जाना शुरू किया था, अभी सीखना शुरू किया था,की तरफ किसी का कोई ध्यान नहीं जा रहा, उनका भविष्य अंधकार में धकेला जा रहा है I आमतौर पर जब कोई इंसान कुछ सीखना शुरू करता है तो उसे अभ्यास की ज़रूरत होती है, यदि कोई चीज़ सीखी हो और उसका अभ्यास ना किया जाए तो बहुत जल्दी वो चीज़ भूल भी जाते हैं और बच्चों जिन्होंने अभी अभी सीखना शुरू किया है उनके लिए सीखी हुई चीजों का अभ्यास करना ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण हैI 

परंतु अब जब पिछले 15 महीनों से स्कूल बंद है तब कैसे छोटे बच्चे घर में अभ्यास करें? हो सकता है कि कुछ परिवार अपने बच्चों को प्रतिदिन कुछ पढ़ा कर अभ्यास करवा पाएं पंरतु लगभग 70 फीसदी परिवार ऐसे है जो दिहाड़ी मजदूरी करके अपना और परिवार का पेट पालते हैं, उनके पास इतना वक्त नहीं होता कि वो अपने बच्चों को पढ़ा पाए I इनमे से भी अधिकतर माता पिता खुद अनपढ़ है तो वो कैसे अपने बच्चों को कुछ सीखा पाएंगे और अगर बच्चा लड़की है तो उसपर बिल्कुल ध्यान नहीं दिया जाता I यदि ट्यूशन भी लगाना हो तो आम जन लड़कियों की बजाए लड़कों को ज्यादा तरजीह देते हैं। इसके साथ ही जो लड़कियां कक्षा 9 या 10 में पढ़ती थी उनकी शादियां हो रही है जिससे उन्हें शारीरिक और मानसिक रूप से बड़े बदलाव के दौर में जीना पड़ रहा है।

यूनेस्को की शिक्षा विभाग की सहायक महानिदेशक “स्टेफेनिया गियनिनी” ने पिछले वर्ष कहा था कि इस महामारी के कारण शैक्षणिक संस्थान बंद होना लड़कियों के लिए बीच मे ही पढ़ाई छोड़ने की चेतवानी है। इससे शिक्षा में लैंगिक अंतर जहां और बढ़ेगा वहीं विवाह की कानूनी उम्र से पहले ही लड़कियों की शादी की संभावनाओं से भी इंकार नहीं किया जा सकता है।

सरकार ने हालांकि शिक्षा बिल्कुल ना रुके इसके लिए ऑनलाइन शिक्षा शुरू की, परंतु भारत में पर्याप्त संख्या में ना तो ऑनलाइन शिक्षा के लिए यंत्र हैं और ना ही आम जन के पास इन्हें चलाने की कला। लोकनीति सीएसडीएस ने अपनी 2019 की रिपोर्ट में बताया कि ग्रामीण क्षेत्रो मे केवल 6 फीसदी परिवारों में और शहरी क्षेत्रों में 25 फीसदी परिवारों के पास कंप्यूटर है। और केवल एक तिहाई घरों में ही स्मार्ट फोन है, इसमें भी अधिकतर घरों में एक ही स्मार्टफोन है, जिसे पूरा परिवार प्रयोग करता है, और ये फोन घर के मुख्य व्यक्ति के पास रहता है, वो जब घर होता है तभी बच्चे उसे प्रयोग कर सकते हैं, और बच्चों में भी लड़कियों की बारी लड़कों के बाद में आती है। 

राष्ट्रीय प्रतिदर्श सर्वेक्षण कार्यालय ने अपनी 2017-2018 की रिपोर्ट में कहा था कि भारत में केवल 24 फीसदी परिवारों के पास ही इंटरनेट की सुविधा है। अर्थात् 70 फीसदी परिवारों के पास ना तो कंप्यूटर है ना ही स्मार्टफोन और ना ही इंटरनेट और इसके साथ साथ घरों में ना तो पर्याप्त जगह है जहां पर बैठ कर शांति से बच्चे पढ़ सके और ना ही ऐसा माहौल जिसमे कुछ सीखा जा सके तो इस दौर में ऑनलाइन शिक्षा कैसे सम्भव है? सबसे महत्वपूर्ण तथ्य ये भी है कि ग्रामीण परिवेश में रहने वाले अधिकतर लोगों को सोशल मीडिया चलाना ही नहीं आता I दूसरा जो काम स्कूल द्वारा भेजा जाता है उसे बच्चे समझ ही नहीं पाते कि इसे करना कैसे है, उन्हें बताने वाला कोई नहीं है, और फोन जब शाम को घर आता है तब उसकी बैट्री लगभग खत्म होने को होती है और ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में बिजली भी 24 घंटे उपलब्ध नहीं होती I इस प्रकार ऐसे अनेकों कारण है जिनकी वजह से ग्रामीण बच्चों और खासकर लड़कियों की पढ़ाई छूट रही है। अब उन्हें वापिस मुख्यधारा में लाना अपने आप में एक चुनौती है।

“दिल्ली आईआईटी की प्रोफेसर डॉ. रीतिका खेड़ा ने कहा है कि ऑनलाइन शिक्षा गरीबों के बच्चों के साथ भद्दा मज़ाक है”। 

यूनिसेफ ने प्राथमिक शिक्षा को सबसे ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण व प्रभावशाली बताया है और कहा है कि जब भी लॉकडाउन जैसा कदम उठाना हो तब प्राथमिक स्कूलों को सबसे बाद में बंद करना चाहिए और जब सब कुछ खुलने लगे तो प्राथमिक स्कूलों को ही सबसे पहले खोलना चाहिए। क्यूंकि हम देखते है की घर के बड़े महिला पुरुष अपने अपने कार्यों को करने के लिए बाहर आते जाते रहते हैं इसलिए यदि वायरस आने का उन्हें कोई खतरा नहीं है तो बच्चों को खतरा कैसे हो सकता है। दूसरी सबसे खास बात ये है कि छोटे बच्चों में संक्रमण का खतरा कम है और इसके साथ साथ यदि प्राथमिक स्कूलों को लंबे समय तक बन्द रखा जाता है तो छोटे बच्चे कुछ भी संख्या या शब्दों को सीख नहीं पाएंगे, जिससे आने वाले समय में उन्हें भारी समस्याओं को सामना करना पड़ेगा। परंतु भारत में अब जब सब खुल चुका है तब कक्षा 9 से 12 तक के स्कूल सबसे पहले खुलने शुरू हुए हैं, जबकि होना इसका उल्टा चाहिए था क्यूंकि इन बड़े बच्चों को कम से कम लिखना पढ़ना तो आता ही है इसलिए इनका जितना नुकसान होना था वो हो चुका परंतु छोटे बच्चों का नुकसान तो प्रतिदिन हो रहा है। 

और हम देखें कि यदि छोटी बच्चियों को पढ़ने का अवसर नहीं मिला तो निश्चित रूप से उनकी शादी भी कानूनी उम्र से पहले ही होएगी, उसके बाद उन्हें शारीरिक और मानसिक तनाव का सामना भी करना पड़ सकता है और अनपढ़ता के दौर में शादियों में एक लड़की देके दूसरी लड़की लेने का प्रचलन भी बढ़ने की सम्भावना है। इसलिए सरकार को लड़कियों व उनके भविष्य और एक बेहतर भारत के निर्माण को ध्यान में रखते हुए सारे शिक्षण संस्थान खोल देने चाहिए और ऑफलाइन शिक्षा पुन: शुरू करनी चाहिए क्योंकि कोई भी देश लड़कियों को मुख्यधारा में शामिल किए बिना ना तो अपना विकास कर सकता है और ना ही वहां सभ्य समाज का निर्माण हो सकता है।

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A lot has been discussed and debated about the negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on women but the contribution of women in fighting the pandemic has found very sparing mention. This is despite the fact that women health workers are the beating heart of every healthcare system which is aiding the recovery of Covid patients across the globe.

For several decades, women have played a vital role in the global healthcare workforce as nurses, midwives, community health workers and doctors. In some countries 90% of nurses are women. Although women are still less likely than men to reach senior positions in healthcare professions, recent data shows a trend reversal which ignites some confidence of rising gender parity in the Healthcare sector.

It is heartwarming to note that women represent close to 70% of the global healthcare workforce. Several studies estimate that women in health contribute 5% to global gross domestic product (GDP) (US$ 3 trillion) annually, out of which almost 50% is unrecognized and unpaid.

In 2017, almost half of all doctors in Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries were women. Thirteen OECD countries exceeded gender parity for doctors in 2017, including Slovenia (63.0%), the Lithuania (69.4%), Estonia (74.0%), and Latvia (74.3%). France (44.5%), Germany (46.6%), the United Kingdom (47.6%), and Sweden (48.0%) were nearing gender parity among physicians. However, women still only made up one in five (21.0%) doctors in Japan. Globally, women represent the majority of nurses and midwives. The Americas (86%), Europe (84%), and the Western Pacific (81%) are regions with the highest proportion of women among nurses.

In Canada, women dominate the health fields in Higher Education. In 2017, women made up more than 78.7% of post-secondary graduates in health and related fields. In the past four decades, women’s share of medical degrees has substantially increased. In contrast to 2017, when only 12% of women earned MD degrees in Canada, there has been a significant spike until 2018 with 54.5% of women achieving the same feat.

In India, women are responsible for 70-80% of all the healthcare services being provided. Women healthcare providers can play an important role in educating society to recognize their health and nutrition needs. Women professionals and empowerment of women at all levels are required for improvement of the health and nutrition structure in India.

In terms of Gender Career Satisfaction, on average, women in healthcare report high satisfaction with their careers (75 percent versus 71 percent of men). They find opportunities aligned with their passions and can adapt their careers over time. Women in healthcare tend to be more happier about their careers compared with men in the same field.

Largely, the gender gap in promotion rates in healthcare, unlike in many other industries, is narrowing. Both women and men report asking for raises at the same rates, but women in healthcare say they are slightly more successful in achieving positive outcomes. Women in healthcare reported receiving more of what they requested in compensation negotiations more often than what men did. Both women and men report asking for raises at the same rates, but women in healthcare say they are slightly more successful in achieving positive outcomes. Women in healthcare reported receiving more of what they requested in compensation negotiations more often than what men did.

According to a research done collaboratively by Lean In and McKinsey, healthcare appears to be one of the best industries for working women on several counts. A broad industry that includes drug and medical-device manufacturers, as well as service providers and payers, healthcare surpasses other industries in female representation.

On the flip side, it is an uncomfortable fact that health systems are currently subsidized by the unpaid work done by women and girls delivering care to family and others in their communities. If only women were able to participate in the economy equally, it would result in nearly an estimated $160 trillion increase in global GDP or a 21.7% increase in human capital wealth.

24 million of the 28.5 million nurses and midwives globally are women. Men, on the other hand, are more likely to be physicians and specialists than women. In addition, more men reach leadership positions, leaving women under-represented in senior, higher-paid roles. However, recent studies reveal an increasing participation of women in highly paid occupations in health, a trend likely to continue over the next 20 years.

The report “Delivered by women, led by men: A gender and equity analysis of the global health and social workforce”, co-produced by WHO and Women in Global Health, confirms that women health workers are concentrated into lower status, lower paid and often, unpaid roles, facing harsh realities of gender bias and harassment.

It is unfortunate that women lead only 19% of hospitals. When it comes to companies in the healthcare industry, women only hold 13% of CEO roles and 33% of senior leadership positions. However, despite all the roadblocks, some women have made to the top of the ladder with their talent, remarkable contributions and sustained efforts. Some noteworthy names include Emma Walmsley (CEO of GlaxoSmithKline and the first woman to lead a global pharma company), Gail K. Boudreaux (president and CEO of Anthem), and Laura N. Dietch (president and CEO of BioTrace). Frances H. Arnold, who in 2018 became the fifth woman to win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry is yet another example of women in healthcare who have gained worldwide recognition for her achievements. Women are the primary consumers and decision makers in the healthcare market, and they make up almost 50 percent of the workforce: much of their advancement and leadership in the field rests on those facts.

Since women work in the frontline in providing medical care and perform some of the risky jobs, they have an increased risk of contracting infectious diseases. In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control reports that, as of April 2020, 73% of healthcare professionals who tested positive for COVID-19 were women. Exposure to infectious diseases poses a high psychological burden for women healthcare workers. A study of healthcare settings in China during the COVID-19 outbreak found that women workers reported elevated levels of stress, anxiety, and depression.

Despite all the risks taken by women, disparity continues to pervade the industry when it comes to monetary compensation. Women in healthcare are paid Less, on average, than their male counterparts. Women physicians and surgeons made $0.67 to every $1 earned by their male counterparts in 2018. Women in healthcare support occupations, which include home health aides and nursing assistants, made $0.83 for every $1 their male counterparts made in 2018.

Gender equality needs to be looked at holistically in the healthcare sector – Policies, effectiveness of programs initiated by the government, and employee experiences must be taken into consideration to promote diversity and inclusion. While the trends clearly show that significant progress has been made over the last few decades, much remains to be done.

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India heard Rahul Gandhi say “If somebody is harassing you, if somebody is not giving you what is your due, you have to face them and challenge them” at the Bharathidasan college for women in Puducherry. India watched him teach some moves of Aikido, a form of martial art to the students of St. Teresa College for Women in Kerala after asserting ‘women are much more powerful than men are but they fail to understand their power.’ India feels 33 percent reservation in government jobs for women and the passage of Women’s Reservation Bill securing 33 percent seats in Parliament is possible only with Rahul at the helm. True to the quote  “When thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: that thine alms may be in secret…” Rahul attempted an actual action to assuage the fears and misery of Nirbhaya’s family. When parties and leaders won’t miss an opportunity to paste their photos or symbols on stuff they donate, thereby flaunting their philanthropy, there existed a  leader with class who pleaded with the recipients of his goodwill that his act remains a secret. Congress aligning with DMK is a good sign or omen especially for women because it’s a party molded by Muthuvel Karunanidhi, both a product and a creator of the Dravidian movement who ensured his progressive social policies made way towards significant social development in TN. For instance women’s welfare measures such as the Anjugam Ammaiyar Inter-caste Marriage Assistance Scheme, Dr. Dharmambal Ammaiyar Memorial Widow Remarriage Scheme, Moovalur Ramamirtham Marriage Assistance scheme, EVR Nagammaiyar Memorial Free Graduate Education for Girls Scheme and the Dr. Muthulakshmi Reddy Memorial Maternity Assistance Scheme were were initiated and implemented successfully.  

Tamilnadu is buzzing ever since Rahul Gandhi set foot here because he represents a hopeful future for ‘Bharat Mata’ as a whole. Whatever he did with whoever, he looked more than endearing with gestures that revealed who he is and what he will be.  He could blend effortlessly and his desire to make society more fair and equitable, with economic possibilities for all, was visible in his conversations and programs. 

In terms of leadership style, Rahul has introduced “charisma” into the political equation. He has a strong rapport with the public and he understands how to use the media to shape public opinion. More so,  elections look like they are based more on the individual than the political party. No doubt Rahul has inherited his father’s charm. When people voted the Congress to victory in 1984, they were generally casting their vote for Rajiv Gandhi the man instead of for him as the standard-bearer of the  Party. The most popular Prime Minister up to his time, Rajiv used his enthusiasm to shape issues, and to mold opinions too. 

Educational institutions welcomed him with ease. Rahul interacted ever-so-casually with students just to kind of hear from them, find out what they’re interested in, because he believes that most of the problems that we have are going to be solved by young minds. In his every move he was setting an example and to his critics he certainly looked like an important symbol of progress. It wasn’t an abstraction as Rahul witnessed the students in action, some impatient with events/things not in their control, few angry over losses and many sad about the existing structural inequities  He recognized a part of him in them and he took it on him to help them understand a little bit more about how government works and explained how difficult it is to move this society forward without the right leadership. 

At Xavier’s college, Tirunelveli the congress president made it clear that the real significance of what we do and achieve on the educational front must be reflected, not in statistics, but in the experiences of individual Indians, young and old, whose lives are supposed to be shaped by new educational programs and policies which should be formulated in tune with the needs and demands. Yet for the progress if any, we still face enormous problems in education: stubborn, lingering, unyielding problems because the policies are drafted by those who aim to use education as a “means for ideological indoctrination”. Interactive sessions highlighted Rahul’s skills as a good listener. Patiently did he listen and with all due honesty he clarified doubts and instilled hope. Definitely, connections that tie the government and the governed are primarily widespread public pessimism about the ability of the ruling government, at pretty much every level was heard and seen. Rahul’s extempores and the manner in which he responded to the ‘Educators Meet’  stood in vivid contrast to Modi’s constant uptalk as he reads from a teleprompter, staccato clauses and Twitter outbursts. The soul of his sentences – the resonance and depth took people back to the good old days of Kingmaker Kamarajar when he said education is not a financial commodity and hence should be available to everyone. He reiterated that noble professions like farming, education and healthcare being turned into financial commodities for the benefit of a handful of cronies  has led to drastic changes in how our society perceives the role of food,knowledge and health in human life. A true leader like Rahul knows and understands that a country’s identity is the fusing of millions of disparate stories into a singular vision- a welfare society. Gujarat burns again and it’s never a model state. 

In Mulagumodu, the hamlet of the Bruges lace Rahul was modish, making friends with students, weaving an intricate lace with love, dance, Aikido, push-ups and promises. Compelling and inspiring were Rahul’s mannerisms. Intimidated by this man’s camaraderie, the miserable Tamil Nadu unit of the Bharatiya Janata Party on Thursday wrote to the Election Commission to restrain Congress MP Rahul Gandhi from campaigning in vain. Thus, a genuine reply to a student who was concerned about the lack of freedom of expression in today’s India looked like a threat to national security but not the disappearance of rafale files or student groups like ABVP that inflict violence on students and practice goondaism by people in the disguise of leaders. 

‘Big moment’ with the Chefs of the Village Cooking Channel (VCC) was the acme of RaGa’s visit. Whether it’s the way he transformed into one of them to become a hands on cook or the way he pronounced the ingredients in tamil or the manner in which he made them feel that he had a connection with them listening to their dreams and helping them grow wings by offering to introduce his friend Sam Pitroda or showing his humorous side, RaGa did it in style with no pretence whatsoever. As opposed to the PM who tried to woo the tamilians by trying his best in vain to utter a few couplets that did nothing but give enough content for memes and jokes in Tamilnadu, Rahul brought back Tamilnadu’s spirit and it’s sense of optimism. Any vision is worth little if a leader doesn’t have the character–the wisdom and heart to see through people’s eyes, hear between words and beyond what was spoken. Just a Few hours with the village chefs and their voices played into Rahul’s deep sense of Tamilnadu’s history and his belief in the promise of democracy. Seated beside them as they relished the mushroom biryani, Rahul discussed big ideas.  We aren’t in an age where no popular leader can any longer mingle with his fellow citizens, either to stir them or learn from them.  Remember the ‘Big Drama’ enacted by A Shah who visited a Dalit family in Peretapalli in Nalgonda district in 2017 with a troop of media persons? According to reliable sources Shah’s food was prepared in the mango orchard of an upper caste landlord in a neighbouring village. Another similar wily act of Shah at West Bengal’s Bankura in 2020 during his visit to a tribal family’s house was disclosed by Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. These days, any such gestures by the BJP  are more likely to be staged than genuine. For the BJP-AIADMK alliance in Tamilnadu, this election has been a combination of ‘ache din aane wale hai’ promises or DMK pummelling and new Rahul Gandhi bashing. Many a time, they were confused as to which approach should take primacy. With Rahul’s courage and integrity that I think is the hardest and most demanding kind, I believe that neither line would work to optimum efficacy. 

In every educational institution he visited, Rahul made sure that he infused a confidence in students that they are as qualified as anybody to talk about what is right and just, and trust themselves in that. Without fear, he felt free to describe what he truly thought about a whole range of issues and that’s Rahul for TN. What’s more adorable was that, amidst withering criticism from the BJP, Rahul remained calm and composed even as he discussed different points of power,  levers and fasteners throughout our society that help determine one’s direction- towards real democracy. 

After watching Jallikattu in Madurai, RaGa assured the people of being one with them when it comes to protecting the culture and language of Tamilnadu. Shaking hands, acknowledging smiles and gestures, that was part of how he managed to maintain perspective and take his work seriously, or running for victory seriously, but not take himself too seriously. Rahul Gandhi had a valid point on the sport and he made it only after watching it in person. Yes, Congress leader Jairam Ramesh was Environment minister in 2011 when the Ministry issued a notification banning the use of bulls as performing animals and that will never downplay Rahul’s display of support to farmers. Just so the BJP believes and asserts that the party Supremo can’t be held totally responsible for a minister’s decision or tweet, it would be wise on their part to think at least once before accusing others of double standards. Having discovered its oxygen supply is shut down by voters of TN, BJP seems to be on a desperate search for relevance. It’s attempt to pooh pooh Rahul Gandhi’s charisma should be perceived in this light. There cannot be a better example of duplicity than AIADMK’s claim that their alliance with BJP is only “electoral”. Mr. Chief Minister you can’t sail safe and untroubled with a partner who has a different ideology or destination in mind. 

At the gathering of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) representatives in Coimbatore, RaGa’s solidarity was unmistakable. People await a restructured/ reconceptualised Goods and Services Tax (GST) and ‘one tax, minimum tax’. From Skill India, Digital India, Make in India, Atmanirbhar [Bharat], entrepreneurs ended up nowhere which means out of 7.5 crore small entrepreneurs, almost 30% of enterprises are dead. After ruling for 7 years in succession, the BJP is expecting the voters to swallow two things: One, economic reforms and two, it’s image of being pluralistic. Tamilnadu rejects both. Accusing the present ruling party of superimposing the GST, RaGa made it clear BJP’s GST is designed to help large businesses. It’s not a secret that the affluent have creamed off reforms that the Modi government has implemented so far. Therefore Mr. Prime Minister, what kind of economic reforms and for whom? 

Cameras have a way of capturing what a thousand words cannot. TN has seen and heard Rahul like never before. As far as the people of TN are concerned, Rahul is the much needed fillip to our ailing democracy. Unlike BJP-AIADMK leaders whose proclamations underline that they are not willing to be active participants in any questioning of the principles underlying farm laws, poverty, corruption, alcohol prohibition or human rights and possible impact upon a highly unhealthy and unequal society, Rahul is willing to rectify failures/ shortcomings and reform government-a long overdue task. Above all, Rahul admits all pogroms and riots are wrong and he never hesitates to apologize unconditionally if need be. 

Rape, harassment and other forms of violence against women appear to have risen in India and more so blatantly after the ruling government and it’s allies make every effort at moral policing. The audacity of blaming victims stems from the fact that BJP considers Manusmriti as a source of law for women issues. DMK that rests on the dravidian ideology that educating and uplifting women will bring social balance and growth will undoubtedly fare better with Congress by its side. ‘Bharat Mata’ as an appellation will be justified if women of all states rise and shine. May the sun rise from the beautiful south and throw some light on other parts of India as well. 

Eventually, a vigorous and vigilant government is the sine qua non of a healthy democracy. And I guess Tamilians know it better. 

Dear Rahul, as you know women’s welfare and safety is a concern and much more work remains. Women are capable of creating history and a promising future with formidable grace, for sure. But ‘don’t let anyone stop you’. 

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