women empowerment

Gender Stereotyping and Disparity in Cinema

The hero construct is very significant in our culture. A lot of the industry’s money is riding on that hero and therefore the whole attempt is to showcase that hero in the film, the trailer or the poster. We have in a sense normalized how skewed the system is.

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No Entry for Men – SuperShe Island

Located off the coast of Baltic Sea, SuperShe Island is the first and only island just for shes. While the SuperShe community is global, the island is administratively located in the town of Raseborg, Finland. American entrepreneur and former owner of the tech Consulting firm Matisia Consultants, Kristina Roth purchased this 8.4 acre island in 2017 after selling her company for $65 million.

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Menstrual Hygiene and Mother Nature

One in every three girls around the world do not have access to proper sanitation facilities. The data speaks a lot about the discrimination faced by menstruating people around the world leading to periods illiteracy amongst the mass as well as sanitation industry. In India specifically, 71% of the menstruating girls remain unaware of menstruation until their first cycle and the culture of shame related to menstruation has ensured the lack of awareness on menstrual products. Studies indicate that most girls do not have consistent access to good-quality menstrual hygiene products with 88% of women and girls in India using homemade alternatives, such as old cloth, rags, hay, sand or ash making them susceptible to all kinds of diseases.

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Capitalism & Its Effect On Women

Capitalism is an economic system in which means of production are privately owned and the decisions with respect to production (what, how and when to produce) are largely determined by the forces of the free market that are largely based on profits.

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Sexism in Indian Advertisements

Advertisements have been an important medium for companies to promote their products through powerful messaging. Thus many companies try to come up with unique taglines or innovative ideas that people associate with their brand products. Marketing in India has become increasingly focused on gender roles, family hierarchy, and traditional marriage practices.

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The Afghan War

Formed in 1994, the Taliban were made up of former Afghan resistance fighters, known collectively as mujahedeen, who fought the invading Soviet forces in the 1980s. They aimed to impose their interpretation of Islamic law on the country and remove any foreign influence.

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सफाई करने वाली महिलाओं की स्थिति

एक अध्ययन के मुताबिक कूड़ा बीनने वालों में 80 फीसदी संख्या महिलाओं की है और ये सब महिलाएं दलित समुदाय से सम्बन्ध रखती है, जैसे कहा जाता है कि सारे दलित तो सफाई कर्मचारी नहीं है परन्तु सभी सफाई कर्मचारी दलित ही है। भारत में कोई महिला या पुरुष अपने काम की वजह से सफाई कर्मचारी नहीं है बल्कि वह अपने जन्म के कारण सफाई कर्मचारी है, भले ही वह ये काम करना चाहती/चाहता हो या नहीं । यहां यह सब जाति और पितृसत्तात्मक सोच के कारण है।

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The unfinished skill training of India’s women: Bridging gender-based skill gaps to enhance women’s employment

India’s growing economy needs 103 million skilled workers between 2017-2022. Yet, over 100 million Indian youth (15-29 years) are not in education, employment or training (NEET), of which around 88.5 million are young women. The proportion of working-age women receiving any form of vocational training over the past decade has been increasing from 6.8% in 2011-12 to 6.9% in 2018-19, vs. an increase from 14.6% to 15.7% for men.

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